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Donor/Sponsor Open Letter

We want to express our deepest gratitude for your generous contribution to our cause. Your unwavering support has been instrumental in driving our mission forward, and we’re so fortunate to have you in our CALDAC family.


This year, thanks to donors like you, we’ve seen incredible progress. Last year, we raised $3,885 in total donations. This year, we were thrilled to exceed that, raising $4,870! Your continued generosity has played a significant role in helping us reach this milestone.


Inspired by supporters like you, we took a leap this year and launched our CALDAC Scholarship and Tuition Assistance Program—a goal we initially thought would be out of reach until 2025 or 2026. Because of your support, we were able to make this dream a reality. In 2024, we granted 2 scholarships and provided tuition assistance to 7 recipients, creating opportunities for low-income talented individuals to access Afro-Latin arts and dance education. Additionally, the scholarships and tuition assistance were given to college youth and survivors of domestic violence as part of our collaboration with the nonprofit organization - Latina Safe House



“The [CALDAC] tuition assistance I received was a turning point for me. It transformed what felt like a barrier into a bridge, leading to an enriching experience at the CALDAC festival that greatly impacted my personal growth."

Drew N. 

Tuition Assistance Recipient


Your contribution was key to getting this initiative off the ground, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Our sincere gratitude goes out to you. In 2025, we plan to expand our reach by:

  • Collaborating with 3 non profit organizations dedicated to serving underserved and low-income Afro Latin families and individuals

  • Granting 10 scholarships

  • Providing tuition assistance to 20 recipients


In addition, we are thrilled to announce that CALDAC has been accepted into the esteemed ColoradoGives organization, joining a distinguished group of nonprofits making a remarkable impact across Colorado. As we look ahead, we are excited to share an opportunity to maximize your impact: Colorado Gives Day on December 10; however, early giving is already open at , and every dollar donated will be enhanced through matching incentives from Colorado Gives and First Bank. This means your $1 donation could become $1.10, $1.25, or even $1.50, helping us reach our goal of $5,000 more effectively.


Your generous support at will help us achieve our 2025 goals of increasing scholarships and tuition assistance for youth and low-income individuals as outlined above. Together, we can advance our mission to preserve and celebrate Afro-Latin dance, music, and arts while expanding access to underserved communities throughout Colorado.


Once you’ve made your gift, we’d love for you to help inspire others! Share your support on social media, tag us on Instagram (@caldac_con) and Facebook (@DenverSalsaCongress), and use the hashtags #ColoradoGivesDay, #Caldac, and #ColoradoGivesCaldac. Your story could motivate others to join this wave of generosity!


Thank you for being such a vital part of our journey. Your kindness and dedication empower us to dream bigger, aim higher, and create a lasting impact in our community.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Tom Ogunribido
Executive Director
Colorado Afro Latin Dance and Arts Collective (CALDAC)

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